My Grand Daughter was born 12 weeks early so she was very small a little over 3lbs so I tried to find some patterns of booties and hats that I could make her... Needless to say all the hats I found was pretty big for her... so I made up a pattern as I went. I found out how big around her head was then I started my task of makeing a hat and this is what I came up with.....
I made a ch of 4 then I joined then I ch 2 did 5 DC in the ring then I joined to the ch 2 I did 2 ch and 2 Hdc in the next sc then I Hdc around to last stictch then I did 2 Hdc in the last stitch. I did this untill it reached 13 inchs around which was how big her head was then I did DC to the length that I thought looked good. Then I just did a ruffle on the bottom...It was a Picot Sorry I am not good at writing patterns.... I am sure this could be done bigger by adding more stitches. The booties was just a plain pattern I found but I decreased it so they would fit her I used Bernet Baby Coordinates